Season’s Greetings and Best of 2022

“It took me many, many years to discover where home is: It is Now!

| René Algesheimer


2022 was a year of reduction for me. There was too much noise, distraction, and stress pouring in on me, so in the summer, I decided to retreat back to the mountains for a creative retreat. A small mountain cabin with no electricity and no connectivity changed my life for two months. Because I had time, leisure, and peace to get to know myself again and to connect with myself. A great gift for Christmas that I gave myself. But I also owe it to the wonderful people around me.

Especially in times like these that we have experienced in 2022, in which the earth slides from one crisis to the next, and many people have to suffer, it seems necessary to me that we strengthen ourselves in order to be able to share this strength with others and to carry our love around the world.

Perhaps it is precisely in these times that art is gaining recognition again. Maybe it is the task of us artists to please people these days, to make them dream, to remind them of past joys, to make them reflect, to give them questions, or to be a house, a home, a security for them. This is what I try to give through my art and to please you who have kindly subscribed to my newsletter. To give a sign that someone is there. Someone who believes in the good in people, in love, and in togetherness.

Thanks so much for all your interest, conversations, and continuing support at this webpage and on my art. Wishing you all the very best! Have a peaceful, joyful, and mindful holiday period.

Stay safe, and keep the positive energy flowing!



Here are some of my personal favorites of 2022.