Vår Beste Dag

“What day is it?” asked Pooh.
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.”
| A.A. Milne

Beautiful things that move me are often simple. It is precisely in their simplicity that there is often great strength.

The world has – for my taste – been flooded with too much negative reporting lately. Not that I want to conceal events, but the presentation of these events, the “how”, I see critically. This negative news frames our everyday life. Via the theory of mental programming, we have learned in science that negative news also makes us more negative ourselves. So why don’t we find more factual, objective information? And information that touches our hearts positively? So that we ourselves can be more positive in everyday life?

I was very touched by a video I saw last month. It is from the competition “The Voice of Norway”. A young singer named Emma Wik sings an old Norwegian song with a pure voice, in an unagitated way, without distraction, without movement, without looking for big effects. It is a beautiful form of purity that touched me very much. The Norwegian language contributes its part to this.

The song is originally by Erik Bye and is called Vår Beste Dag (Our Best Day).

Our Best Day

Song by Erik Bye

Come and listen to the light as the day dawns,
the sun raises its trumpet to its mouth.
Listen to the wingbeats of the white butterflies.
This day could become our best day.
The path we followed yesterday is just as new,
[and] as secret as in the time of our first dawn.
We shall face much, and we shall master much!
This day today could become our best day.
Come and listen to the deep as we row towards the shore.
Listen, the jellyfish tunes it strings.
The sound of ripples left by fish is promising.
This day could become our best day.
Our fjord1 is so new and blue and blank.
Your stare is free, and your back is straight.
We shall face much, and we shall master much!
This day today could become our best day.
Dear, listen to the darkness when our day has passed.
The night hums across far-flung hills.
The day has bestowed much upon us in all thinkable ways,
more, perhaps, than we yet have understood.
The moon above the smallholding and roof is just as new,
but remains silent about our next dawn.
We shall face much, and we shall master much!
The day tomorrow shall become our best day.


Vår Beste Dag

Song by Erik Bye

Kom og lytt til lyset når det gryr av dag!
Solen løfter sin trompet mot munnen.
Lytt til hvite sommerfuglers vingeslag: Denne dag kan bli vår beste dag.
Stien som vi gikk i går er like ny, hemmelig som ved vårt første morgengry.
Mangt skal vi møte og mangt skal vi mestre!
Dagen i dag den kan bli vår beste dag.
Kom og lytt til dypet når vi ror mot land!
Hør maneten stemmer sine strenger.
Løfterik er tonen i et fiskevak: Denne dag kan bli vår beste dag.
Fjorden vår er like ny og blå og blank.
Blikket ditt er fritt og ryggen like rank!
Mangt skal vi møte og mangt skal vi mestre!
Dagen i dag – den kan bli vår beste dag.
Kjære lytt til mørket når vår dag er gått.
Natten nynner over fjærne åser.
Mangt har dagen skjenket oss i stort og smått, mer, kan hende, enn vi har forstått.
Månen over tun og tak er like ny, men tier stille om vårt neste morgengry!
Mangt skal vi møte og mangt skal vi mestre!
Dagen i morgen skal bli vår beste dag!


Link to Video